The children are our future

Bigger than ever, gaming is on the edge of something greater.
It's changing kids health and changing the future.
It's an intersection between tech, entertainment, sports and social spaces.
A community 50,000 strong; working, playing, creating together, to help kids get stronger, heal faster and live better.
Gaming over 70 million dollars has been raised for the kids, for the families, for the community and it's just getting started because of because of the gamers, because of you.
Our mission
It is our mission to improve kid’s health, better their future.
Our programs
We will help you with your own fundraiser, or you can try our projects.
Contact 24/7
Would you like to hear more about our cause? We would love to hear from you.
Become a volunteer
Interested in volunteering with our team, or a talent or program to contribute?